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This past week, a group of ladies who visited the Elmina castle in Ghana, Cape Coast sparked controversy that disturbed Africans and African Americans severely.

The ladies who allegedly accompanied their friend that arrived in Ghana to meet her Ghanaian spouse’s family, took a trip to the Elmina castle as most African Americans and Caribbeans do, to be enlightened about the horrific treatment of the brutal European treatment of black people during slavery.

During their visit, the girls decided to twerk at the castle, shaking their bums, whilst happily chanting ‘Twerking for the ancestors’. This video would soon be uploaded only for the ladies to be heavily chastised worldwide.

There is a strong chance that the four women didn’t mean any malicious disrespect and could simply be having fun whilst on their trip, but their words and actions were executed at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

Many people have shown outrage over the very sensitive acts of these ladies. Not only was their ill-informed action horrific due to the nature of disrespecting one of the most horrific recorded acts of black people, but it also comes at a time of reconnecting between Africans in Ghana and African Americans which in itself is very sensitive due to the differences in ideologies that some carry.

The lady set to marry the Ghanaian man and goes by the name @KhaParisDiorrr has currently set her channel to private from going back and forth with her detractors. Although much was reveal by her replies and her lack of disrespect for Africa. Such as the tweet below.

It comes at a time when African Americans are working to dispel the false degenerate characteristics white media projects about them. Many have taken time out to express their grievances and we decided to share two videos that we concur with to some extend.

The first is by an American traveler whose channel goes by the name of GoBlack2Africa. The second is from a youtuber Michelle Mazelle, and the third is renowned CEO and founder of African Diaspora News, Phillip Scott, whom even raising the question why would anyone want to marry such ladies. A question that should be ringing in the Ghanaian spouse of the very abrupt woman. Watch their take on the matter below.

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