The Macallan, the world’s most prestigious single-malt Scotch whisky, partnered with creative designer Mai Atafo on his latest collection, The Atelier. The collection debuted at an exclusive fashion show at The Podium, Lekki, and was the designer’s first in three years.
With the models wearing a block of vibrant colors, this collection consists of pieces proportional to the designer’s fashion sense. The pieces in the collections were brought together by great cuts, wonderful fits, and strong silhouettes. Straying away from his usual designs, Mai Atafo created timeless pieces of agbada, danshiki, iro and buba, all with refined twists.
As expected, the exclusive event brought together industry A-listers and fashion enthusiasts. Everyone from music, TV, film, and fashion converged to celebrate Mai Atafo’s 12 years of seasoned craftsmanship, unparalleled creativity, innovation, and sustainability — all qualities the Macallan brand is committed to celebrating and supporting.
The show showcased stylish pieces with sartorial elegance, clean lines, and innovative yet functional designs and had guests like Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and Omawumi. Other A-listers at the event included Timi Dakolo, Sharon Ooja, Beverly Osu, Alex Asogwa, Ric Hassani, Kelechi Amadi-Obi, Chike, Uti Nwachukwu, Debola Williams, Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, Captain Demuren, Kemi Lala-Akindoju, Chef Freggz, Mimi Onalaja, Alex Ekubo, Anita Brows, and more. Atafo Atelier
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Images: IDAfrica
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