In recent times, we have noticed a striking trend amongst a few profiles in the world of hairstyling: cornrows adorned with cowry shells. This fusion of ancient tradition with modern fashion sensibilities is captivating attention and gaining popularity across various cultures.

Cornrows, also known as canerows, have a rich history deeply rooted in African culture. Originating centuries ago, these intricate braided styles were not just a means of hairstyling but also held cultural significance. In many African societies, cornrows were symbolic of social status, age, religion, and even ethnic identity. They were often adorned with beads, cowry shells, and other ornaments, serving as a form of self-expression and cultural pride.

Over 50 Ways To Wear Your Cornrows / Braids : See The Beautiful Afrolicious Natural Hair Images

Cowry shells, meanwhile, have a history as old as human civilization itself. These small, glossy shells were once used as currency, ornaments, and symbols of wealth and fertility across various cultures worldwide. In African societies, cowry shells held spiritual significance and were often incorporated into traditional ceremonies, rituals, and adornments, including hairstyles.

MUST READ: Why Cowry Shells Needs To Be Adopted More By Ghanaian Designers & Lovers Of Ghanaian Fashion

The Modern Resurgence:

In recent years, there has been a noticeable resurgence of cornrows adorned with cowry shells in modern fashion and beauty circles. This trend represents a fusion of cultural heritage with contemporary style, celebrating the beauty and diversity of African traditions.

Today, many hairstylists and fashion enthusiasts are embracing cornrows with cowry shells as a form of cultural appreciation and self-expression. Celebrities, influencers, and individuals alike are seen rocking these braided styles with pride, showcasing their connection to African heritage and celebrating the timeless beauty of traditional craftsmanship.

Pic by Slayed In Braids

Symbolism and Significance:

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, cornrows with cowry shells carry profound symbolism and significance. They serve as a reminder of resilience, strength, and unity within the African diaspora, honoring the ancestors who carried these traditions through generations. Moreover, they symbolize a reclaiming of cultural identity and a celebration of African heritage in a world where diversity and representation are increasingly valued.

Embracing Tradition in Modern Times:

As the fashion industry continues to embrace diversity and inclusivity, hairstyles like cornrows with cowry shells offer a powerful statement of cultural pride and empowerment. They challenge mainstream beauty standards, celebrate authenticity, and encourage individuals to embrace their roots unapologetically.

Pics By Flannelle

In essence, cornrows adorned with cowry shells are more than just a trend; they are a testament to the enduring legacy of African culture and a symbol of strength that transcends time and borders. As they continue to grace runways, red carpets, and social media feeds, these braided styles serve as a reminder of the beauty and richness of African heritage in the tapestry of global fashion.

Furthermore, in the realm of hair adornment, some individuals opt to bedeck their cornrows with pearls, infusing a touch of opulence and sophistication into their hairstyles.

Try Pearls

This alternative styling choice showcases the versatility and creativity inherent in hair fashion, offering yet another captivating option for those seeking to express their unique sense of style. Whether adorned with cowry shells or pearls, cornrows continue to serve as a canvas for artistic expression, reflecting the rich tapestry of cultural influences woven into contemporary fashion.

Pic by SatishUG


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