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There is a proxy war brewing in West Africa following the recent coup that took place in Niger. On August 10, 2023, a military junta orchestrated a bloodless coup in Niger, sending shockwaves through the international community.

The junta, led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani, officially declared a new government on August 10, following their successful seizure of power on July 26. The democratically elected President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, was ousted from his position and reportedly detained within his own palace.

However, France is not happy about this move as the coup represents the interests of the people who is not that of foreign countries, most notably France. Niger plays a crucial role in supplying uranium and other valuable resources to France, a dependency that has come under threat with the recent political upheaval. France, facing limitations on direct intervention due to sensitivities surrounding military involvement on African soil, has sought alternative means to safeguard its interests.

In response, France has engaged in diplomatic efforts and collaborations, notably with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). ECOWAS, led by Nigerian President Tinubu, has taken a firm stance against the junta’s actions. President Tinubu issued a stern warning that if President Bazoum was not reinstated within a week, ECOWAS forces would intervene militarily.

Many people see this as a senseless act as it might open a proxy war in West Africa that could destroy many countries and lives as it has been done in Libya, Iraq and Syria and has received unpopular sentiments from both people in Africa and abroad. People are acknowledging ECOWAS as puppets of the west and strongly against the war, especially considering 80% of the Nigerien people are happy with the coup.

This sparked musicians in Ghana to urge the soldiers of Ghana to not join in the war, namely Wanlove on twitter. His video and sentiments were reXd by popular rapper Sarkodie with the text ‘Endorsed’. Watch below.

The tweet will soon be endorsed by Sarkodie.

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