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In a bold statement against the environmental impact of the fashion industry, Greenpeace activists took to the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Monday, dumping massive quantities of textile waste. The activists emphasized the urgent need for the fashion sector to be held accountable for its contribution to pollution, particularly through the use of plastic in clothing.

Expressing their concerns, the activists declared, “The fashion industry must finally be held responsible for its waste and stop producing garments made from plastic.” Their statement underscored the alarming reality that the textile industry has emerged as a significant contributor to the pervasive issue of microplastic pollution.

Berlin served as the backdrop for this impactful demonstration, strategically timed to coincide with the commencement of Berlin Fashion Week, where leading global fashion brands are slated to showcase their latest collections. Greenpeace expert Viola Wohlgemuth voiced strong criticism against the fashion industry, accusing it of neglecting its responsibility to safeguard the planet. Wohlgemuth highlighted the detrimental practice of dumping synthetic textile waste in African nations, leading to severe environmental crises.

Wohlgemuth stressed the inadequacy of the prevailing disposable fashion model, characterized by the cycle of production, consumption, and disposal. She advocated for a transformative shift towards circular business models, such as lending, repairs, and second-hand commerce, asserting that these approaches must become the new norm to ensure sustainability.

Greenpeace’s perspective points to the dire consequences of the fast fashion industry’s overproduction and the excessive consumption of clothing, particularly in African countries. The resultant mountains of waste pose significant threats to the environment, contaminating rivers and seas with harmful microplastics. The call for change resonates as a plea for the fashion industry to embrace more responsible practices, acknowledging its role in mitigating environmental harm.

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