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The theory of “Controlled Chaos,” conceptualized and championed by our visionary Creative Director, Chinyemugo Jacqueline Obiekwugo-Charles, challenges the conventional notion that order and chaos must be diametrically opposed. Instead, she envisions them as a harmonious fusion, working in tandem to create a desired outcome. This innovative theory stems from her study of the mathematical relationship between order and chaos, revealing the interconnectedness of our world.

Chinyemugo, affectionately known as Mugo, explores the dynamic interplay of order and chaos through a captivating array of design elements. Deconstruction techniques and hand-knitted garments, crafted from repurposed sweaters sourced from her closet and charity shops, underscore her creative approach. While maintaining precise control, she artfully employs a limited color palette and incorporates meticulous tailoring on select pieces.

The “Controlled Chaos” collection encompasses two mini-collections, each with distinct yet complementary themes: “Controlled Chaos” and “Growing Circumspection.”

In the first part, “Controlled Chaos,” Mugo draws inspiration from diverse sources such as gothic architecture, brutalist architecture, the Nigerian civil war, and the opulence of the Roman Catholic Church. These innovative concepts shape the majority of the silhouettes showcased in this segment of the collection.

Conversely, “Growing Circumspection” narrates Mugo’s personal journey as she entered her 20s, evoking nostalgia for her carefree teenage years, now cherished in retrospect. The collection serves as a poignant ode to childhood, reminding us to relish our youth and cherish the fleeting moments of innocence and wonder.

The craftsmanship of each look in this collection exudes an intentional sense of undone aesthetics. Mugo firmly believes that true perfection is found not in rigid ideals of flawlessness but rather in embracing imperfections. It is through imperfection that genuine personality, beauty, and perfection emerge.

Step into the enchanting world of Chinye Mugo, where “Controlled Chaos” reigns supreme. With a bold vision that redefines the boundaries of design, Mugo’s creations embody a harmonious balance between order and chaos, transcending traditional norms. The collection beckons us to embrace the beauty of unpredictability, celebrate individuality, and savor the enchantment of imperfection.

Welcome to the world of Chinye Mugo, a realm where innovation and creativity intertwine, breathing life into the very essence of fashion itself.

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