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In a coordinated announcement broadcast on state television, military regimes in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger declared their intention to withdraw from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Emphasizing their decision as a sovereign one, the juntas expressed dissatisfaction with the regional bloc, accusing it of straying from the ideals set by its founding fathers and the principles of pan-Africanism, nearly 50 years since its inception.

The joint statement asserted that ECOWAS, once regarded as West Africa’s foremost political and regional authority, has veered away from its founding principles and has become a threat to its member states and populations. The military regimes particularly criticized the influence of foreign powers on the bloc, alleging a betrayal of its initial objectives to ensure the happiness and well-being of member states.

While the juntas did not outline the specifics of the withdrawal process, their decision raises questions about the future dynamics within the ECOWAS framework. ECOWAS, considered the 15-nation bloc that promotes economic integration among member states, has faced challenges addressing widespread coups in the region and addressing concerns about the equitable distribution of natural resources.

Despite the military regimes’ announcement, ECOWAS has yet to respond to inquiries regarding the withdrawal. The bloc, which upholds the recognition of democratic governments, has previously stated that juntas lack the authority to act on behalf of elected governments. This assertion was reinforced by a regional court ruling in the past year, emphasizing the importance of democratic governance.

It’s worth noting that in September 2023, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger entered into a mutual defense pact called the Alliance of Sahel States. The pact aims to foster collaboration among the countries, including military assistance in the face of armed rebellion or external aggression. The recent announcement of withdrawal from ECOWAS adds a layer of complexity to the evolving regional dynamics, leaving the path forward uncertain.

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