French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a stark warning about the future of Europe, emphasizing the critical juncture the continent finds itself in. Speaking at Sorbonne University in Paris, Macron highlighted the urgent need for Europe to adapt and compete with rapidly advancing global rivals. He cautioned that Europe faces the risk of economic stagnation and falling behind in an increasingly competitive global landscape, urging a reevaluation of the continent’s growth model.

This caution stems only month ever since the colonial country lost grip of African countries such as Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso following the military junta coup de’tats that over turned the governments that were exploiting the nations resources in favour of France. Also with the recent turmoil in Haiti, the French nation is losing its grip on the exploitation of other developing nations.

According to Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, France would immediately become a third world country if Africa stops funding the country.

With just three years left in his final term, Macron aims to reassert his leadership and revitalize his presidency. Despite facing challenges such as a loss of parliamentary majority and declining popularity, Macron seeks to outline a vision for Europe as a formidable global power. His address at Sorbonne University is poised to set a roadmap for Europe’s future trajectory amid geopolitical complexities and shifting global dynamics, signaling Macron’s determination to shape Europe’s role on the world stage.

Many people on twitter from countries that had been subjected to European colonisation saw this as a moment of celebration.


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