Disliking your own body can lead to a continuous feeling of inadequacy. It’s like having a relentless internal critic, always whispering that you’re not good enough, regardless of what you do. This negative self-perception can profoundly affect various aspects of your life. It might make you believe you’re not good enough for your job, relationships, or dreams. You might start avoiding social situations, shying away from new opportunities, and even undermining your own success.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava

My own struggles with body image began at a tender age. When I was nine, a seemingly innocent incident planted a seed of self-doubt. I chipped my front teeth while playing at a neighbour’s house. An aunt remarked, “Titi will no longer be fine, eyah.” This offhand comment initiated a shift in my self-perception. From that moment, I became overly conscious of my appearance, worried about how others saw me, and constantly compared myself to others. I started to shy away from social situations, became withdrawn, and even more outspoken. Unfortunately, my troubles didn’t end there.

When we’re preoccupied with our physical appearance, it can inhibit our progress in various life domains and alter the course of our lives. This is why managing and controlling our self-image is essential, as its negative impacts can be quite alarming. Here are some important points to consider:

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

1. It Never Stops: Body dissatisfaction often leads to more dissatisfaction with other aspects of your appearance. In my case, I developed other body concerns over the years, from the way my legs looked to acne on my face. I constantly felt inadequate and avoided social situations, and new opportunities, and even hindered my own personal and professional growth.

2. Low Confidence and Self-Esteem: Self-consciousness about our appearance extends beyond the desire for a perfect body. Subconsciously, it chips away at our self-assuredness, confidence, and self-esteem. You’ll notice this when you find yourself worrying about what people will think about you before considering the value you bring to the table.

Photo by Ralph Rabago

3. Avoidance of Pursuing Dreams and Goals: This self-consciousness unconsciously hampers our lives, making us feel stuck and dissatisfied. You might find yourself avoiding parties, meetings, presentations, or networking events, wondering why you’re not progressing as you should. All these missed opportunities hinder personal growth and success.

4. Struggling with Your Style: Embracing your body is as crucial as choosing the right outfit. These two aspects work together to boost your confidence. Although I had a knack for putting outfits together, I struggled with my style confidence because I didn’t like my body. It wasn’t until I learned to love my body that I could genuinely embrace my style. I realized that the key was wearing clothes that made me feel good, regardless of others’ opinions.

Photo by RDNE Stock

5. Social Isolation: Body image concerns can lead to social isolation, causing you to avoid social situations altogether. This isolation deprives us of the interactions and support essential for maintaining our mental and relational well-being in both our personal and professional lives.

6. Depression, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders: Coping with body image concerns can lead to unhealthy behaviours like overeating, undereating, or binge eating. These coping mechanisms can result in physical health issues, depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Personally, I can relate to this as I missed numerous opportunities due to my struggles with body image.

If you find yourself grappling with body image concerns, remember, you’re not alone. Your potential extends far beyond the body you’re concerned about. If you’re ready to make a change, seek the help you need today!

Titilade Ilesanmi

Titilade Ilesanmi is a Body Image and Style Coach for Moms/Women with over 7 years of experience. She is the founder of Stylemejune Image Consultants, an agency that helps mothers build back their confidence through style. She is passionate about empowering women to live their best lives. You can reach her on Instagram via @stylemejune or email on [email protected]

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