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The talented Lupita Nyong’o has etched her name in the annals of the Berlin International Film Festival as the first African to preside over its esteemed jury in 74 years of operation.

Lupita made a distinct mark not only for her role as the leader of the jury but also for her impeccable sense of style that reverberates with cultural pride. The Oscar-winning actress, renowned for her advocacy of diversity and inclusion, chose a beige suit that exuded elegance and sophistication.

However, it was Lupita’s fervent embrace of her African heritage that stole the spotlight. During the press release, she once again adorned the iconic crown meticulously crafted by Lafalaise Dion. This symbolic accessory not only complements her regal attire but also serves as a powerful representation of her roots and cultural identity.

Lupita’s Fashion

Beyond her fashion statements, Lupita Nyong’o has long been a trailblazer in the entertainment industry. Her stellar acting career includes an Academy Award for her role in “12 Years a Slave” and memorable performances in films like “Black Panther” and “Us.”

As she takes on the role of jury president at the Berlin Film Festival, Lupita continues to break barriers, opening doors for more inclusivity and recognition for African talent in the global film landscape. Her multifaceted presence, blending cinematic excellence with a celebration of heritage through fashion, marks a truly historic and inspirational moment at the Berlin International Film Festival.

Berlin Film Festival On Racist Pride

On another note, here is why we addressed the Berlin Fashion Film Festival as racist. According to the organizations press release, Lupita is the first black person to preside over the event in the 74 years of the event. As if this is something to be proud about.

Let’s call a spade a spade, when you decided to drop your racist intent for one event to feed off clout that a black person has beaten the odds to achieve, it is not a reflection of Lupita’s achievement but one of unveiling the character of the Berlin International Film Festival. It might even be better for their reputation to refrain from the ‘first black person’ celebration.

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