South Africa’s team has brought attention to the underrepresentation of actual South Africans in Team South Africa, which recently arrived in Ghana for the 13th edition of the All Africa Games at the Cape Coast Stadium.

A video surfaced online revealing a predominantly white team with a few mixed participants. According to a team picture published online, only 4 out of the 18 members are black. This sparked reactions from Africans worldwide, highlighting the unjust representation South Africa’s institutions may be imposing on its citizens.

One user stated, “These are Dutch!” insinuating that these individuals are not representative of South Africa but rather colonial settlers who enforced apartheid on the African people of the South.

Another expressed, “Now I see why South Africans are angry,” sympathizing with the struggles and disparities most South Africans face in comparison to their white counterparts.

Simply put, many impoverished countries miss out on sports league participation due to a lack of resources and funding, resulting in a lack of equipment, training time, facilities, expert guidance, and other funding-related issues. However, in South Africa, this seems not to be the case; instead, there is a significant racial disparity. One possible conclusion is that Dutch settlers are better athletes than their black counterparts, but no one in their right minds will believe that, leading to the conclusion of economic deprivation of real South Africans.

Nevertheless, some defended South Africa in the same thread. One user, Maki, stated, “South Africa is a multiracial and multicultural country. Wishing luck to all our athletes.”

Another argued, “Whites are also South Africans… y’all should stop with this discrimination. Imagine others doing the same to the French national team (which is 70% black).”

The embarrassing colonial representation of South Africa and the lack of representation of the nation’s people highlight the strong need for the EFF in the country.

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