The debut of Shondaland’s original TV show written by Shonda Rhimes, based on characters by Julia Quinn, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, kicked off its press tour a few weeks ago—and Arsema Thomas, a Nigerian-Ethiopian supporting cast member brought a taste of her rockstar African designer fashion to the cameras and the red carpet.

From the series’ South African premiere to the digital press rounds, Arsema stunned wearing glamorous looks from designers across the continent, including Nigerian designers like Lulla House and Nkwo; and South African designers like Viviers Studio  and Ghanaian designer KWASI Paul. Ahead, see every look from the global press tour, and watch this space for updates.

Arsema Thomas in KWASI Paul


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Arsema Thomas in Ezokhetho


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Arsema Thomas in Nkwo


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Arsema Thomas in Viviers Studio


Arsema Thomas in A Gold Viviers Jumpsuit


Arsema Thomas in Cute Saint

Arsema Thomas in Amanda Laird Cherry



Arsema Thomas in Laurence Airline


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Arsema Thomas in Lulla House





Styling by @luciellis @amyzamaa and @fromwheretowear and @studiojulienne

Hair by @milesjeffrieshair @thewallgroup
Make up by @kymberberry

Designers @laurenceairlineofficial @brandonblackwoodnyc @nkwo_official @alc_woman @ezokhetho @kwasipaulofficial


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